20 December

Hey everyone!

It’s Sew Confident Dawn here.  I cannot believe that’s us in December, where has this year gone! I got back from a long weekend in the Canaries with the girls the other day.  I have never done a winter break in the sun, but I certainly would love to do one again. 

Having your own business is loads of fun but it can be full on, unlike my old 9-5 job.  I do not think my brain ever switches off and I am sure all my customers noticed the ditsy Dawn that was in the studio in the run up to my wee break!  I am also not getting any younger, I am approaching that age where I am perimenopausal.  A massive plus point in having Sew Confident Chorley is having so many customers who have either been there or are going through it too.  So, we not only have a fab time learning a new skill during a class we also have plenty chat and leave with a load of useful advice and have a wee bit of therapy too!

Anyway, back to what I wanted to chat about. This mini break my friends were impressed that every day I wore something me made.  It was great getting to wear my me made clothes before they get packed away and I have to dig the winter woollies out. For years I have been more of a craft sewer and soft furnishings kind of gal but being part of sew confident and surrounded by all the fab patterns, fabric and inspiring sewers in our franchise and those in our Sew Confident communities has really changed me. I buy less from the high street and absolutely love making my own clothes. I thought I would share with you all just a few of them and also want to highly recommend our newest tote bags. They are the perfect size to use for hand luggage, beach and pool bag and supermarket sweep bag!

My friends have always been so supportive of me and my business and know how much I love a picture of the Sew Confident merchandise in fact they were disappointed I did not have room in my case for Mascot Wes! They all took turns positioning the tote bag and trying to get a good shot, we had some rather funny looks as we walked along the promenade getting the right tote bag placement!

They would make the perfect gift as you could pop your sewing projects in them too when you come to one of our classes!  Maybe a condition when you buy a tote bag available at Glasgow, Dundee and Chorley studios is that you have to snap a shot with it or of it and tag us!  We could even have a competition in 2023 for the best back drop shot with your SC tote bag! ha ha!