14 December

So Amrit, how long have you been doing the BEST hobby ever (IE sewing)?

Maybe about 3 years …. when you had your shop at Yorkhill and came for a beginners class…..I thought they know how to thread a machine and sew straight lines already ….I didn’t know I was an hour late until someone asked if I was stuck in traffic lol!

Haha! Don’t worry, we have all been there!! Why did you decide to start sewing?

Well really it was my husbands fault. After baby number 3 I really felt like I had nothing for me. I was a full time mum with 3 babies aged 3,1 and a newborn. I didn’t feel good about myself or about my clothes. I was stuck in a rut. My friends were all working and I felt like my only purpose was to nurse and change nappies…so he nagged me to get out the house and get a hobby. Perhaps he was thinking I would take up running but it was sewing. 

I remember both my grannies sewing all their own Indian clothes and fitting perfectly. I have a weird body shape. I’m just 5ft. With quite long legs but short body. A sway back and sloping shoulders. And one boob bigger than the other! Ready to wear clothes didn’t sit right and always need altered…..so that’s where it all began!

What sewing project are you most proud of?

Eh I’m quite fickle. It’s usually my last garment I’ve made haha. BUT if you force me it’s actually the projects from the beginners class because that’s what started me off. Recently though, my By Hand London holly trousers – They are sooooooo sexy. And I always get a bonus compliment. Colette Moneta dress I’ve made 4 and plans for more. The Sew Over It Nancy dress is a staple in workwear. I’m not a shirt person but I made a Grainline Archer Shirt. I loved that as I learned new skills like button holes, placket, collar stand.

That is a LOT of pattern making! What do you friends and family think about your sewing skills, are they impressed or do they use you as a free alterations service?

Ok. So as a rule don’t ask me to hem anything. Aaaaaaargh. I only do my mums trousers (she’s even shorter than me)… Friends and colleagues are always impressed and flattering me with questions of what I’m sewing up for them (I can’t sew for anyone either I’m too scared I’ll do a botch job – it’s ok if that happens for me). I feel so smug when someone says nice dress and I’m like thanks I made it …family are bored with me I’m afraid. They are always scared incase I ask them to take 100 pictures of me lol.

Your sewing skills are amazing you shouldn’t be scared to create great things for others Amrit! What sewing accessory could you not live without?

To be honest I don’t have a favourite thing or a must buy this item. But I do like my magnetic pin holder. It’s a bit boring but it’s so easy to take pins out when your sewing and flick it on to the dish 

My 2 favourite sewing thing are:

  1. Where I store my threads. It’s my grandmas thread box and it still has her threads in them. I don’t think I can bring myself to use them! She lined these wee drawers with newspaper aswell. It’s soooo cute. 
  2. And another thing is her tiny pin cushion with her pins in it. I think she likes that I’m into sewing I only wish I could have shared it with her. My other gran gives me fabric that she’s had since she was married-vintage!!!! I’m too scared to cut into it and ruin it. I want to do it justice….any ideas what to make?? We were so lucky to have her. I always feel blessed that my children had 4 great grandparents.

If you could go back to your beginner days and give yourself one sewing tip or piece of advice what would it be?

Don’t worry about squiggly lines or pattern matching. Have fun. It’s supposed to de stress not stress you out……And drink lots of tea!

Yup you definitely need a good cuppa when sewing! Have you had any sewing disasters?

All the time!!! Today I was making a top and it said sew right sides together…Easy right? NOT. I twisted the front piece sewed right sides together and ended up with a big knot in the front. I don’t think I’ve ever made something without getting stuck at instruction or unpicking. But it’s the learning. Something I learnt I’ll never do again…. like that DP floral top you helped me with. The instructions were hopeless but the top looked amazing on someone else lol…it’s also an achievement when you finished and got through that disaster. Another thing i’ve learned is what suits my body shape and what doesn’t.

Sewing is all about the learning, as they say, every day is a school day, and boy was that DP pattern a school day for us! How many classes have you attended?  What was your favourite and why?

I have done lots…I even followed you to Kirkintilloch! I like the classes and love the social aspect. Their was:

  • The beginners
  • Sew far sew good (advanced beginner)
  • Christmas Advent Calendar 
  • Christmas things
  • Walk away dress from Great British Sewing Bee
  • The dress pattern class
  • The shirt dress

And probably 100s more!! All the classes are great and recommend people to go along. I loved the learning but I’ve made great friends and have eaten a fair amount of fabulous cake 

What would you like to be able to sew in the future, what is the dream?

A coat! I really want to make one but think I should have started in July to have one ready for the colder months. The dream is to have a 100% handmade wardrobe and my style sorted out….the latter you think I might have done that by the time I hit 40, my still finding my style 

What projects do you have on the go right now?

I’m cutting a closet case ebony dress. In black knit with large florals on it.  Dresses and black tights are my wardrobe staple. I have plans to make another in a dusky pink … In my head there are so many things I want to make

  • Victory Jackie dress
  • Another Tilly button cleo dress
  • Sew over it Erin skirt in denim or burgundy cord
  • A sewaholic sweatshirt
  • Everything from named patterns lol 

What would you say to someone who was thinking of taking up sewing?

Do it!!!! It’s a great hobby. You’ll pick up skills for life, make lots of friends, and you might get great fitting clothes out of it!