27 March

With the successful come back of the Great British Sewing Bee on BBC 2 and the rise in people trying their hand at sewing, we have a feeling that the competition on next years GBSB is going to be tougher than ever! That is why we are putting together a blog post to help YOU, yes YOU, have a better chance of getting through to being on the show.


Unlike other years, the enter requirements this year were higher than ever. Despite the show being for ‘nonprofessionals’ (ie anyone who has not learned to sew through certificated education) they actually asked for quite a lot from those applying. For example, they wanted you to have some knowledge and experience of using a cover stitch machine. Now I went to college for a year and also done some sewing in university and I have never touch one/only even recently knew what a cover stitch was! I would like to know how many applications the show received because I think asking someone who may be self-taught from home, or someone who have been to classes such as ours, to have/know how to work a sewing machine, overlocker AND a coverstitch is a bit much…but hey i’m no Patrick Grant so what do I know! 😉

Like all TV shows they are looking for personality, a good back story. Sadly just being a talented sew-er doesn’t cut it in the days of showbiz and the craving of high show ratings. Therefore you must remember to SELL YOURSELF! Not literally of course, but don’t be shy and overly modest! We are all unique and what you think might be boring or nothing interesting may be just the thing to give your application that extra boost to get through to the next stage.