I wonder if you know anyone in their 30s right now who isn’t plagued with stress of some sort. Whether you are smashing down the career path(or not, right?) or hectic at home with family life we’re all familiar with that head-in-a-vice feeling. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can’t avoid stressful situations forever but you can teach yourself how to manage them. Here’s 3 ways banish stress in your 30s!https://giphy.com/embed/3orieRnQl4hiamaaVW
1. Eat Your Way to a Life of OM(nom nom)

Ok so maybe that doesn’t make much sense but I was looking for a zen related food pun and that’s the best I can do. It’s true though, you can alter your diet slightly to help relieve stress and anxiety! Here’s what Lorraine McCreary from Diet Scotland says:
“Some foods are rich in elements (Tryptophan) that can boost our production of feel good
hormones like Serotonin. Increased production of serotonin helps us to relax, sleep and feel
less anxious.
Oats, Soy, Sesame seeds. Poultry, Seafood, Pork and Spinach are just some foods that are
rich in Tryptophan.
Eating oily fish will provide you with healthy cardio protective fatty acids (OmegaIII) that we
often do not get enough of. Fatty acids are vital for a healthy nervous system and a healthy
nervous system reduces anxious episodes.”
Sounds like an excuse to go out for Sushi, as if we even needed one!
2. Laughing, even if its fake!
We all know laughing makes us feel good but apparently it can even make you feel good when it’s fake! We all know exercise can help de-stress by releasing endorphins but did you know having a right good giggle can do the same?! It doesn’t even have to be genuine but in our experience fake laughing is so ridiculous that you’ll be real laughing in no time.
Here’s a bonus GIF of Ryan Gosling having a giggle – you are welcome.https://giphy.com/embed/GpyS1lJXJYupG
3. Finally, Get Sewing!

The ultimate(we think) stress busting mechanism is to learn to sew! We’re biased at Sew Confident but there is science behind this, and loads of customers come back time and time again to enjoy the proven de-stressing qualities sewing can bring.
“Dr. Herbert Benson, a pioneer in mind/body medicine and author of The Relaxation Response, says that the repetitive action of needlework can induce a relaxed state like that associated with meditation and yoga.”
He then goes on to talk about how the craft can even reduce harmful levels of the stress hormone cortisol!
We also know you benefit from “bursting with pride syndrome” after completing your first item. You can’t even imagine how immensely satisfying it is to wear something you’ve made and have someone ask where you bought it. It’s probably the best feeling ever. This also applies to home furnishings and quilts – we can teach you all of these!
We combine ALL THREE stress busting elements in our class, we have sewing(obviously) laughing(definitely) AND hobnobs…which have oats in. I’ll admit that is a bit of a loose link there and perhaps not EXACTLY what tip number 1 meant but I’m going with it!
Check out all our classes here!
What is your favourite stress busting tip?
Jenny x
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