31 October
Halloween is a Nightmare!

As someone who doesn’t even have kids I know Halloween can be stressful.

So here’s my top 3 last minute sewing tips, to give yourself a break this Halloween!

Leave those raw edges raw!

Ain’t nobody got time for the perfect Halloween costume, and I mean literally! You might never wear this again so why are you so worried about raw edges and perfection? The fact you are making it is AMAZING and will mean your costume totally stands out anyway.

If fraying fabric DOES really annoy you then opt for fabric that doesn’t fray! Most stretch fabric don’t fray and, well they’re stretchy so you or your kid can wear it again next year haha!

Use the 3 S’s – Staplers, Sharpies, Safety Pins…

I think I just heard some season sew-ers GASP at this one? Let me explain.

Most people are time poor. Most people are feeling a bit of pressure to make a costume for themselves or their kids and can’t believe how quickly Halloween has come around so give yourself a break. As your sewing tutor AND friend I am giving you permission to absolutely WING IT!

Not got time to applique the eyes on that dog costume? Use a sharpie!

Hem fallen down on a grim reaper costume making it trail on the ground at the last minute? Use a stapler!

Has a seam burst on pirate costume the night before the party? Safety pin it!

If all else fails, buy one!

You might be getting the vibe from this email is mainly to GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK! So if you totally run out of time and you have to buy something, so what? You’ll be more prepared next time right?

Sewing is a great skill, it’s so useful but most of all it should be enjoyable and it should de-stress you, if the opposite is happening my advice is to step away. You’re not a failed parent for not spending 3 weeks on your kids Halloween Costume, and if you own a sewing machine but bought a costume so what?

Got any hilarious Halloween related disasters or confessions? I want to hear them to make us all feel a bit better about not being the perfect human. Get in touch and let me know!

We still have a few spaces on this Fridays Halloween Inspired Sewcial in Glasgow? Want to join Jenny? Go here!