Everyone meet our first sew-er of the month for 2018 – Heather!
1.So Heather, How long have you been sewing?
I started hand sewing when I was quite young, my Mum’s friend showed me how to cross stitch and I took up embroidery too. I didn’t start sewing with a machine until I took a beginners machine sewing class that was only for a morning in 2013. I loved it and started looking for classes to attend.
2. That’s lovely your mum taught you! Why did you decide to go from embroidery and have a go at using a sewing machine?
While I still do some hand embroidery! I always wanted to be able to make more practical things myself and I love learning a new craft.
3. What sewing project are you most proud of?
I’m currently in the middle of a big quilting project called the Gravity Quilt! It is very complicated and intricate but I am enjoying every stage I am now working on the back ground and then will piece it altogether – it should look like this when finished (fingers crossed) http://www.jaybirdquilts.com/2014/11/gravity-quilt.html
4. That quilt is AMAZING, we love how colourful it is!! What do you friends and family think about your sewing skills, are they impressed or do they use you as a free alterations service?
It is lovely to give a handmade present – all but one of my quilts have been given away. I made a book stack quilt as a retirement present for a librarian I work with and it was really personal – I picked her favourite colours for the fabrics and the pattern was an obvious choice for us librarians! I made cushions and make up bags as Christmas presents this year. I think my brother liked his (whipped up on Christmas Eve) Marvel heroes cushion more than the things I’d bought him. I haven’t done any alterations as yet but it is only a matter of time.
5. We agree, hand made gifts are best! What sewing accessory could you not live without?
I like Frixon pens – they iron away and are brilliant, also my rotary cutter. Scissors are so slow! I am totally in love with the new fabric scissors in the shop though just can’t decide between rose gold or multi-coloured. So pretty.
6. Yip we couldn’t decide either so just HAD to treat ourselves to both the rainbow and rose gold scissors…haha. If you could go back to your beginner days and give yourself one sewing tip or piece of advice what would it be?
Don’t try and read patterns or cut fabric when you are tired or after a large glass of wine. Do the cutting before the wine.
7. hahaha maybe our favourite advice yet! Have you had any sewing disasters?
Things have been upside down and back to front. I’ve ripped a fair few seams out but you just sew it again and don’t tell anyone. Any mistakes in a quilt are a variation and make it your own personal take on a pattern. These are rules I live by!
8. Sounds like a great rule to us! How many classes have you attended? What was your favourite and why?
My first class with Sew Confident was the advent calendar class back when you were in Yorkhill. I just put it away with my Christmas decorations recently. Then I took the beginners sewing class – my make up bag is still in daily use in my work bag and my sister got the cushion. I like making cushions and went on to make a fair few most recently for my parents with some cool stag head fabric. I’ve also done the pattern class, the curtain class and been to the Sew-cial. I took the crochet class and liked the wool I was given for the project so much I bought more and am making a blanket for the back of my sofa. I’ve definitely go a lot out of coming along and trying things out, my confidence has grown so much.

9. That is going to be the coolest blanket EVER! What would you like to be able to sew in the future, what is the dream?
I don’t have a big project in mind just to keep going and having a go at projects – curtains next I think.
10. Good choice, learning how to make curtains will save you a fortune! What projects do you have on the go right now?
The big quilt, curtains for my living room, a hand quilting project for charity and a crochet blanket. I’m keeping busy!
11. What would you say to someone who was thinking of taking up sewing?
I have loved it and had a go at so many things, sewing is also very social and I have met and made some great friends both through quilting and at the classes. You don’t need a big complicated machine and expensive fabric – I’ve cut up my Dad’s old work shirts and practiced on old duvet covers. Getting my sewing machine and learning all this new stuff has been truly brilliant and there is always new stuff to learn.

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