Welcome Back!
So hopefully by now you have downloaded your PDF and done the long boring part of putting together the pattern and cutting out all the fabric.
At our ‘Sew-cial’ on Friday evening I joined the class & made a start on the outside shell of the duffel bag. The first problem I came across was that the instructions said my webbing should have been hanging over the end piece of fabric…mine was not…BUT when things like this happen, do not stress! As you can see from the photos once I attached the D ring there was more than enough webbing to do the job. (Wither I was wrong or the instructions were who knows for sure.)
I was worried my stitching wouldn’t be very neat due to so many thick layers & using materials like the canvas webbing which I have never handled before but the Elna 340 machine worked a treat. I was pretty pleased with how well and tidy it was coming together though & once I started to see it coming together I began to love my choice of fabrics even more!

Once the ends and 2 sides were complete the instructions say to go straight in to attaching the sides to the zip. Now normally I love putting in zips…THIS ZIP ON THE OTHER HAND… I must have unpicked and redone the zip about 4 times until I was happy with it as I felt doing it the topstitching way as suggested didn’t leave the finish as neat as my previous stitching.

Am I being to harsh/a perfectionist? Possibly! haha but even sew-ers with experience can struggle at times too and there would be no point me showing my progress if I didn’t show the rough parts too.
Hope to see how some of you are getting on and I will post blog number 3 next week!!
Remember there is still plenty of time to join in… 😉
Colette x

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