Spring has almost sprung, it actually smells different outside today doesn’t it? Here’s a quick tutorial on make the cutest spring inspired ombre mini cushions!

You Will Need:
– You can use any fabric you like, I found these ombre tea towels in Primark of all places and had to buy them. The cost £3.50 for 3 and are the perfect size to make some tiny cushions. If you are buying regular fabric you will need 0.4 metre per cushion.
– 1.5 metres pom poms
Making the Cushion:
1. You will be cutting 1 square and 2 rectangles from your fabric. I am covering little cushions that measure 35cm x 35cm. You need a front piece that is the entire size of your cushion plus 1cm seam allowance all the way round. One that is half the width of your front piece plus seam allowance and one that is 3/4 the width of your front piece plus seam allowance. So the pieces I am cutting out are:
Front: 35 x 35cm + seam allowance = 37 x 37cm
Back 1/2 piece: 35 x 17.5cm + seam allowance = 37 x 19.5cm
Back 3.4 piece: 35 x 26.5cm + seam allowance = 37 x 28.5cm
2. Cut your pieces and zig zag or overlock all the raw edges to stop the fraying.
3. Now pin your pom poms to the right side of the front square piece. Line up the edges of the pom pom to the edges of the fabric and stitch in place using a straight stitch and a zip foot.

4. Lay your 1/2 piece and 3/4 piece next to each other right side up. If you have a pattern make sure they are the right way up as you look at them. The two inner most edges (i’m pointing to below) need to be hemmed. Turn them in by 1cm and stitch. You can use a straight stitch or a fancy one! I used a straight stitch on the 3/4 piece and a fancy one on the 1/2 piece as this is the piece you will see on the outside.

5. Lay your front square piece in front of you right side up. Take you 1/2 piece and lay it right side down on top of the square piece. Ensure hemmed edge is in the middle.

6. Now lay the 3/4 piece on top right side down with the hemmed edge in the middle again.

7. Now pin and stitch all the way around the outside. You will need to put your zip foot on again. Stitch using a 1cm seam allowance and a straight stitch. Now turn out and you have a cushion cover!

To make it even easier you can skip the pom pom step. This is the easier and quickest cushion you will ever make. Send me a photo of yours!
Jenny x
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