HOW IS IT AUGUST ALREADY? 2018 is sure flying in, but another month almost over means its time to meet another lovely Sew Confident customer…or in this case, past customer and current Sew Confident TUTOR x
Everyone say a big hello to Tracey! Now some of you may recognise Tracey, as after starting out as a Sew Confident customer she is now actually one of our tutors!

1. So Tracey, How long have you been sewing?
Nearly 6 years
2. Why did you start sewing?
My son has Down’s Syndrome, and when he was born and diagnosed one of the first things I read was that his legs and arms would be shorter so I had a sudden need to sew, so that he would never have baggy trousers
3. That is such a great reason, What sewing project are you most proud of?
I made a coat for a little boy with additional needs that was adapted to incorporate the framing on his arm

4. That jacket is AMAZING, that was so nice of you! What do you friends and family think about your sewing skills, are they impressed or do they use you as a free alterations service?
I’m not sure, they don’t ask me to do much for them, they know me too well…
5. I’m sure they are all very impressed with your skills! What sewing accessory could you not live without?
My quilting ruler, I use it for EVERYTHING!

6. If you could go back to your beginner days and give yourself one sewing tip or piece of advice what would it be?
Stop doubting yourself, stop being afraid to try something and fail, it’s how you learn
7. That is some great advice! Talking of failing…Have you had any sewing disasters?
I could write a book, many many sewing disasters. One made my son a pair of jeans and when it came to near the end I had to over lock the edge of the faux fly, I forgot to turn the blade off on my overlocker and cut the leg in half ?. I once sewed a circle skirt to the bodice of a dress, but to the neckline instead of the waist. It was stretch velvet so impossible to unpick
8. Haha, You could have passed it off as some over exaggerated clown coller! How many classes have you attended at Sew Confident? What was your favourite and why?
I’m not sure actually, quite a few. The intermediate class was really the point where I gained the confidence to sew without supervision. I love the sewcial too, it’s great to sew with like minded people and make some new friends.
9. What would you like to be able to sew in the future, what is the dream?
I really want to start tailoring and make a gown. I just want to keep improving and trying new things
10. Well you defiantly have the skills to tackle a gown, that’s for sure.What projects do you have on the go right now?
Im a master sewcrastinator. I have a few jersey dresses, a woven dress and a purse on the go and I’m. Putting together a pattern for a pair of jeans.
11. ‘Sewcrastinator’, love that haha! Finally Tracey, What would you say to someone who was thinking of taking up sewing?
Do it !! Don’t be afraid to give it a go and don’t be afraid of making mistakes, it’s how you learn!

If you think Tracey seems great fun (which she is!) be sure to join on our beginners or hoodie classes to say Hello!
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