11 March

This March we’re celebrating our 10th Birthday!

We’ll be sharing some bits and bobs that have happened over the years, giving you the opportunity to get to know Sew Confident a little bit more. We even asked Jenny some questions to get even more of an insight!

Jenny started Sew Confident all the way back in 2012 when she was struggling to find a job with a creative degree, and was pretty much winging it as a sole trader. Previously, Jenny worked at her friend’s business The Life Craft, who convinced her to try out teaching sewing classes. “Give it a shot, what do I have to lose and it turned out that I loved it,” Jenny said, “Still doing it now, still loving it!”

This is where Jenny got the name for Sew Confident! The name for one of the classes was Sew Confident, and the name just felt right. “In business you can get really bogged down trying to find the perfect name,” Jenny says, “and people love a pun don’t they – I love a sewing pun!

What has been your happiest moment?

“That’s a hard one! Everyday I think ‘This is good, working here, isn’t it’. I feel incredibly fortunate to have a business, a job that I love – and be surrounded with great people. Our customers are always excellent – not your standard run of the mill retail customer. My team are amazing! So, I’m incredibly fortunate and I’m incredibly grateful everyday for that.
Probably back in the early days, getting the premises in the West End back in 2014. But there’s highs, and lows, every week. There’s been a lot of happy moments.”

What has been your biggest hurdle?

“Biggest hurdle to date – surviving the pandemic, both personally and business wise. Definitely the hardest I’ve ever had to work, and the constant emotional stress of the situation.

I do put a lot of pressure on myself so for me, the only option was to get through it. I’ve got staff and franchises so there was a lot of pressure. I did feel like I had to take a lot of the burden off, everyone and just be positive and reassure everyone that we were going to get through it.

I think the fact we came out stronger, a stronger business with a better offering for our customers. The universe works in mysterious ways and perhaps it was always meant to happen. We would do online classes for example and add lots of new product ranges to the website.

Definitely that was the biggest hurdle – no doubt.”

What is your favourite thing about sewing?

“My favourite thing about sewing is – that’s actually a hard question as well because there are a lot – I think it is the individuality of it. You can make something that no one else has.

I suppose it goes back to when I was a kid at school – I remember liking unusual, fashion-y type stuff and then I would get really annoyed when people copied me. That person who gets annoyed at people copying me still exists in me today, although I’m a lot better at dealing with it! But because of that, it’s really nice to be able to make things that no one else has.

My second favourite thing about sewing is how chilled out you end up, it’s like unintentional meditation. Meditation is hard, I find it difficult! So for me, sewing is just a little bit of respite for my brain – which is as mad as a box of frogs most of the time –  but when I sew it just all quietens down cause I’ve got to focus. So that’s my second favourite, or maybe it’s joint first.”

What do you want to say to people considering getting into sewing?

“I want to say – do it! Most people who give it a shot – regardless of whether they’re already creative or crafty – regardless about what you think about your abilities and whether you’d be good at it or not, most people love it!

Theres a version of sewing for everyone I think and it’s more than just making things. It’s the social of side of it that’s big for me as well. I love meeting new people, so it would be a driver for me if I didn’t sew and I thought perhaps I could go and learn something, join this new community, make new friends that I would never normally meet.

And of course the de-stressing side of it is real, it works, and it is amazing! So I think that also is a big driver for a lot of people who are coming in to sewing now.

So if you’re thinking about getting into it and you’re on the fence, I’d be thinking about ‘what have you got to lose?’ Some people feel anxious before they come to a class because they think, ‘oh what if I’m the worst?’ That happens to me sometimes as well when I do something else, I’m always like, ‘Oh I’m going to be the worst person there, it’s going to be awful, how am I going to deal with it when I’m the worst person…’ Turns out, it doesn’t matter! We’ve got really subtle ways of making sure that no one really notices whether that you are behind, or whether you are struggling a little bit more. It’s our jam making sure that you feel comfortable in there.

You’ll be making your own clothes in no time – if I’ve got anything to do with it!

What is your message for 2032 Jenny?

So 2032, I will be 44 and I hope that 2032 Jenny has really cracked the work-life balance. I feel like I’m nearly there now, I’ve not quite cracked it. And I think that would be nice.

God, that’s mad isn’t it to think ahead ten years! Yeah, I hope she’s cracked the work-life balance and I hope she goes on holiday more often than me currently – and has a really nice tan all year round.

I hope she’s happy – that’s an important one. Work-life balance – Happy – Goes on holiday more often – All year round tan – Still sews every week. That’s what I want for 2032 Jenny

It’s amazing to see how far we have progressed over the years – with new, exciting classes and offering sewing retreats and great products; fabricshaberdasherysewing machines and more!

It wouldn’t have been possible without you – our amazing, loyal customers. We are forever grateful for your custom, support, and the fabulous community that we’ve all created together.

Thank you for an amazing 10 years of Sew Confident!